
lørdag 3. mars 2012

This is my most recent video, this is alos out on youtube. I hope I can get some feedback on theses videos. I will be posting more as they come, welcome them :)

Check out my youtube channel!

Hey folks!

It would be nice if someone wanted to check out my youtube channel and watch, like, share and etc. I make videos about horses, riding, passion for horses and planning on making some heartland fan videos. Anyhow, right now I am brainstorming for a new video, although my trial for sony vegas is out :(
Right now, I am drawing a picture of a horse, and I am gonna show fruther down in the post, as for now, I want to show where you can follow or sub me!

Twitter: @NorwayHeartland
DeviantArt: sweetagility
Youtube: Thatnoblehorse96 - BlueNightNB
Blogspot: & (this one) 
Howrse: sweetagility
That's about all :) 
I'll leave the link here: 

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my new blog.

Hello, my name is Linda and I'm 15 years old. This is basicall just gonna be a blog about my riding and some hints and other cool stuff all shoved into this blog. I have been riding in over 10 years now, soon 11 years and I have no plan of quitting. I always focus on the horse when I'm with the horse, I use methods inspired by horsemanship, where punishment and anger is never used. 
My biggest focus of learning the past year was and still is to understand the horses signals and body gestures. And I've come a far way. I am writing a book of my own expiriences and incidents so that I can share with the rest and also have if I am stuck on a problem but have been dealing with it before. So any question will be answered. I can also have a round of questions of course if I get enough readers :) 
Thats all for now, Thank you!
Linda B.